News — mindful

New "myndful" collection

New "myndful" collection

Our mind can create a beautiful reality if we know how to handle it. Very often however, it plays tricks on us and that's not cool (at all!). Especially when we experience a lot of stress we tend to have more negative thinking patterns.But there's a way how you can better control your emotions & thoughts and it starts with practicing mindfulness or with other words: living in the present moment. It doesn't require a big amount of time. A few minutes a day to check-in with yourself are already enough in order to be fully present and balanced. We therefore added a...

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New Year's resolution yes or no?

New Year's resolution yes or no?

A few words about 2021… I always feel that at the beginning of a new year there’s so much pressure. Everyone is talking about goal setting, achievements and resolutions for the New Year. That’s why I broke up with the New Year’s-something. Instead I found my own way how to approach the 12 months ahead. I prefer to set a word for the year that accompanies me and that reflects my actions. Last year’s word was being courageous and here’s what I did: I traveled alone (before the lockdown came) I went to a networking event (my first) Had a spontaneous pitch about...

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