Letter from the founder
unmynd means: breathe, relax and let go
First of all, thank you so much for being here and for dedicating your time to unmynd. I know that we all have a lot of things going on and that you could be in many places right now (virtually and mentally...). I appreciate that you are visiting this page and would love to make it worth your while.
I started unmynd in a period of life where I felt restless: I felt like I was not living the life I had imagined for myself. I wanted to do more of what I loved instead of doing what was right. During this period, I had to learn to appreciate the moment and the chaos, to trust in my own capabilities and to be patient - everything would fall into place. I felt that I was constantly on the go, I always had many ideas, realised many projects but never really allowed myself to get enough rest on this adventure called life. I felt exhausted and my mind was too.
I learnt to check in with myself regularly and accepted that I could not rush things, because life has a beautiful way of figuring itself out (sooner or later). It needed a little bit of faith and a whole lot of courage to trust this process and it's definitely easier said than done, I know!
I then started reading a lot about psychology, mindfulness or any other buzzword you can think of. I experimented with a lot of different practices and habits and quickly realised that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution for wellbeing. It’s an individual journey and there’s no such thing as right or wrong. There are a million ways to live your life at your best and even more adventures to potentially take on. However, one thing always seemed to remain constant: The importance of taking a break. Finding the time to check in with yourself, to reassess the situation, to refocus on what’s important and to then start again with new energy.
That's when my passion project unmynd was born. I believe that we should integrate more quality breaks and more me-moments in our life and I want to do this in a simple, fun and delicious, yet healthy way. unmynd was founded with the vision of helping you figure out and realise your very own dream - and I'm there for you to unmynd all the worries, stress or distractions that may prevent you from doing so.
I've selected the most powerful and high-quality ingredients from around the world to make sure they support you on your journey and help you master each day in a loving and kind way.

My path so far...
Born and raised in Switzerland
Fluent in 4 languages (German, Italian, English, French)
Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education in BA
Founder of @unmynd - my holistic wellbeing temple
- Certified 200h Yoga Teacher, 2024, India
Practicing Yoga since 2019 - Training Program in Yoga, Department of Naturopathy and Yoga, HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal, 2024, India
- Certified Breathwork Facilitator, 2023
- Certified Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, 2023
- 3 UNIQMYND Retreats in Morocco, 2023 & 2024 | by @unmynd &
- Guest Yoga Teacher, Pure Surfcamp Morocco, Feb - March & August 2024
- Teaching Yoga & Breathwork, Headsquarter Zurich, since June 2024
- Yoga Teacher, Meyo House Yoga Basel, since July 2024
- Teaching in German and English