Sage/Salbei - purify the space
White Sage is a plant native to North America, known for its medicinal and ceremonial properties.
In Native American culture, white sage is used to cleanse and purify sacred spaces before ceremonies. It is burned dry in a process known as "smudging" to take off negative energies and attract luck and positivity.
Ideal for meditation, creating a calming environment, preparing for ceremonies or deep cleansing a room.
- light the sage bundle and allow the smoke to go through the area you wish to purify.
- if you use sage in a room close all windows first, walk with the sage through the room, open all window afterwards to let the air go outÂ
White Sage is a plant native to North America, known for its medicinal and ceremonial properties.
In Native American culture, white sage is used to cleanse and purify sacred spaces before ceremonies. It is burned dry in a process known as "smudging" to take off negative energies and attract luck and positivity.
Ideal for meditation, creating a calming environment, preparing for ceremonies or deep cleansing a room.
- light the sage bundle and allow the smoke to go through the area you wish to purify.
- if you use sage in a room close all windows first, walk with the sage through the room, open all window afterwards to let the air go outÂ
Sage/Salbei - purify the space
White Sage is a plant native to North America, known for its medicinal and ceremonial properties.
In Native American culture, white sage is used to cleanse and purify sacred spaces before ceremonies. It is burned dry in a process known as "smudging" to take off negative energies and attract luck and positivity.
Ideal for meditation, creating a calming environment, preparing for ceremonies or deep cleansing a room.
- light the sage bundle and allow the smoke to go through the area you wish to purify.
- if you use sage in a room close all windows first, walk with the sage through the room, open all window afterwards to let the air go outÂ
White Sage is a plant native to North America, known for its medicinal and ceremonial properties.
In Native American culture, white sage is used to cleanse and purify sacred spaces before ceremonies. It is burned dry in a process known as "smudging" to take off negative energies and attract luck and positivity.
Ideal for meditation, creating a calming environment, preparing for ceremonies or deep cleansing a room.
- light the sage bundle and allow the smoke to go through the area you wish to purify.
- if you use sage in a room close all windows first, walk with the sage through the room, open all window afterwards to let the air go outÂ