News — launch

We are part of NAIA by Nadia Damaso

Finally we can reveal what we've been hiding since the beginning of this year and we're over excited to share the news with you!NAIA by Nadia Damaso is opening its doors on 1 April 2021 and we are so proud to be one of the selected brands that are part of this amazing concept store.About NAIANadia Damaso transformed her kitchen studio into a concept store for Swiss based brands that offer products for a sustainable, conscious and healthy lifestyle. Products that are created with lots of love, dedication and passion to offer you the best for your body, mind & soul.We would love to welcome you at the store...

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New "myndful" collection

Our mind can create a beautiful reality if we know how to handle it. Very often however, it plays tricks on us and that's not cool (at all!). Especially when we experience a lot of stress we tend to have more negative thinking patterns.But there's a way how you can better control your emotions & thoughts and it starts with practicing mindfulness or with other words: living in the present moment. It doesn't require a big amount of time. A few minutes a day to check-in with yourself are already enough in order to be fully present and balanced. We therefore added a...

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Step by step we're getting there

Things are getting very real and, slowly but surely, all the pieces are coming together. We're working hard these weeks to make a launch for Christmas happen. Let's see if everything falls into place... In the meantime we're happy to release and share the official logo with you. It has been a long but exciting journey and we definitely love the result. 

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